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hypernovaVI's News

Posted by hypernovaVI - 9 days ago

for my first project, i've decided to release an album idea i've had on the backburner for a while: "when will summer end". this album is meant to be an exploration of my own thoughts and memories that i can put into a physical form, not just about summer but my tranquil experiences in general. wwse (when will summer end) is a nice introduction to me and what i can offer in the future, as well as a nice warm-up for what's to come next.

wwse is definitely far from perfect, but i'm satisfied with what i've produced. i would've liked to spend a little more time working on for the past few days, but it's tough breaking old habits and pushing through demotivation. rather than trying to stop doing my habits all together, i've introduced new habits that might help me be more productive over this summer before i'm back in the burner for another 9 months, or replace a few bad habits that are really keeping me from succeeding. a little more planning ahead of time wouldn't hurt, i had planned 12 tracks rather than 10 to come out, but i suppose the other two weren't as necessary to get out. though, i shouldn't be planning too much, things can always turn out to be different to what you initially plan them to be, even pretty early in the process.

as of now, i'm taking the weekend off to sit back a little. with nothing lingering in the back of my mind to finish, i can finally enjoy procrastinating! (i suppose its not really procrastinating then..) i'm onto much bigger projects (oh boy). these will take me a while, and i'll have to polish up my skills before i'm able to start on any of them. i'm leaving what the project specifics are for now (so that i don't have to keep any promises to myself), but they are just as close to my heart (maybe closer) as wwse. i'm a little worried as i might not be able to finish any of it in time. i've been counting the days since i have to go back to school, and i'm trying to push myself to work on these projects before i get swamped with homework, projects, and tests. another part of me is saying to take it slow, you still have a lot of days left. both arguments are right, but im choosing to finish something earlier than it needed than to never fully finish the project at all.

anywho, if you truly read the whole thing, i applaud you. i don't think me in a few days will be able to, anyways. thank you for lending your time to read my long self-reflection, and i hope that this has inspired you to push yourself, even just a little, to do the things that you truly love.



i'm super happy with how lots of my doodles went for each of the cover icons of the cds! i don't consider myself the visual doodly kind of artist, but somehow i've managed to produce some not-so-bad-looking pieces. (yes, they are 600x600 on purpose)




Posted by hypernovaVI - 2 weeks ago

welcome to my little artistic space where i share snippets of me to the world

i hope is that for anyone who comes across my project is positively influenced in some way or another, no matter how miniscule my effect may be

discovery is best when it is found alone but shared across the globe
